Digital IPA

Posted by IPA on September 15, 2012

Digital IPA

QR codes aren't quite as popular as IPA, but they are popping up in more and more places as smart phones continue to replace dumb phones. What is a QR code? It was only a matter of time before the strange looking digital symbol found its way onto a beer bottle label, and lucky for us it is an IPA, aptly named Digital IPA.

In addition to the brewers awesome name, Yeastie Boys, this brew will literally link to a webpage which contains the very recipe of the beer which you are holding and/or drinking. Also linked is the brand's Facebook and Twitter profiles which allow the opportunity to instantly share your feedback and opinions on taste or whatever else floats your boat. Home brew enthusiasts seem to be encouraged to try and recreate their own and perhaps even improve it for future iterations. Let us know how yours turn out if you hop on this opportunity!

digital ipa